“Trentino in Jazz” is a Festival organized by Enrico Merlin in the northern region of Italy of Trentino. Beautiful contryside and welcoming people and structure easily predict successful events. This year the theme was “strings” with guitar as the main subject.
I was invitated to give a class about Manne construction and design ideas, as well as setup and maintenance for guitars. Let’s have somone else other than me talking about me and what I do!!
Laura Ricci report:
“Andrea Ballarin, luthier and owner of Manne Guitars, is a builder and a musician with inner passion for music, and that is evident from the enthusiasm of his speech and transmitted to the public.
The seminar started with a clear and detailed explanation of technical guitar construction a the basis for important tone elements, with particulars, tricks and details that determine the sound and feel of the instruments. Professionalism and experience, study of materials, harmonic wood properties and single resonances issues were discussed. That’s where uniqueness and originality come from in Manne instruments. The goal is create a window to see the player’s soul.
Here are two quotes: “interaction is the keyword” and “A guitar should abet the player to express”.
The young participants followed with great interest, taking in the suggestions and advice to understand the key points of a good instrument.
Then all partecipants were asked to take a guitar to be controlled or adjusted.
So the seminar became a real laboratory with all the work tools and the considerations to be done on each instrument to be setup perfectly for each player.
The details make the difference.
Some instruments were shown of actual Manne production, like the beautifull 25th Anniversary Edition Taos.”